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Mechmine News

Bearing defect identified

11 December 2016

Bearing problems can cause unplanned machine switch-off

Client's web-portal mmViewer goes live!

13 September 2016

Mechmine equipped now more than 100 bearings in various machines for our data gathering pilot trial.

The partners can access the data from their machines and the vibration analysis results in particular through the newly launched wep-portal mmViewer.

mechmine mmViewer loginPortal

84 bearings acquired

23 July 2016

We are pleased to inform that we acquired recently the 84th bearing since October 2015, in various machines for our pilot trial. This growing dataset will enable us to train and validate the algorithms doing bearing defect analysis.

Testbench ready!

30 May 2016

Mechmine completed building a testbench to support and accelerate the development of specialised algorithms.

Vibration data acquisition of bearings

29 April 2016

Mechmine collects vibration data of 32 bearings. More sites with bearings are in the pipeline and will be added to our pilot trial.

Open data of bearings

18 January 2016

We analysed vibration data of bearings from different public sources like Universities.

CTI project

08 May 2015

The Swiss Innovation Agency CTI approved mechmine's project proposal. The project will be carried out jointly with an University of Applied Sciences, i.e. Fachhochschule, and starts June 1 2015 and runs for 26 month.