Mechmine News
Successful 2019 Mechmine Workshop
Mechmine held its 2019 Workshop on June 18 for customers and partners near Sargans, Switzerland.
Partnership with gear manufacturer
mechmine LLC and SEW Eurodrive GmbH & Co, KG (Germany) work since November 2018 on a multi-year product development partnership in the area of vibration analysis for industrial gears, see press release (in German).
Hannover Fair 2018
Mechmine presents at the Hannover Messe 2018 at the Swiss booth SWISS PAVILION - RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY from April 23 to 27. Visit us and see our Cloud-based bearing and Condition Monitoring solution live!
Loadsensor prototype in field trial
Algorithms in state-of-the-art condition monitoring systems benefit from additional knowledge such as the load of a machine. This can be obtained through monitoring the machine power consumption or power generation. Mechmine developed a small formfactor sensor to do this.
Mechmine @ ETZ Zurich
Mechmine was invited to talk about bearing condition monitoring at the “Fertigungstechnisches Kolloquium”, organized jointly by Swissmem, inspire AG and Prof. Konrad Wegener’s Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing (IWF), ETH Zurich.
Massive bearing RUL testbench operational!
Knowing bearings’ Remaining-Useful-Life (RUL) is of great value to machine operators. Mechmine commissioned a high-performance RUL testbench to speed-up their ongoing effort to calibrate their algorithms.
Collecting data under the sky!
Mechmine is collecting vibration data of gearbox and generator bearings of the largest Swiss wind turbine.
First partner workshop held
Mechmine held today its first condition monitoring workshop for its partners.
GENILEM support
In November 2016, the selection committee of GENILEM Zürich Ostschweiz awarded two Coachings to Swiss entrepreneurs, lasting 3 years. One Start-Up company is mechmine llc from Azmoos, Kanton St. Gallen.